By Myriam Thomas Glass artist
Phototransfers on glass
Between heaven and earth
'Between heaven and earth' (2023)
In Flanders, beguinages were established from the 13th century onwards for women who wanted to lead a devout life without taking a monastic vow. From 1940 on, the beguine movement declined sharply and in Flanders it has completely died down since. I wanted to evoke this now silenced world in a small table installation. As my starting material I used some archive daily life photos from around 1920 of a beguinage near Ghent (Belgium). I processed the images and transferred them on multiple layers of float glass, to tranform them in a series of eight 3D viewing boxes.

Detail of the installation (8 viewing boxes).
Dimesions of each viewing box: 19,3 cm (H) x 17,5 cm (W) x 11,4 cm (D).
Kiln fired processed photodecals on multiple layers of float glass.
Wooden boxes.

"The evening service"
3D viewing box , part of the table installation of 8 viewing boxes.
5 layers of float glass , each 16 cm x 16 cm x 0,4 cm.
Processed photo decals, kiln fired and kiln fired painted.
Original postcard from around 1920, used as the starting material for the viewing box on the left.
Source: The digital photo archive "beeldbank"from the city of Ghent (Belgium).